Content Management System

Statamic CMS

We build websites with the powerful and scalable flat-file CMS Statamic.
A low-complexity content management system that doesn't require costly licenses or database management.

Statamic Logo.
With fast load times, an accessible user interface and content versioning with Git, Statamic is the solution for your website. PS: You're currently browsing a Statamic site 🚀
Statamic CMS

Details and more

Benefit 1

Fast and Easy

With Statamic's built-in static caching, your pages load extremely fast. As a pure Laravel installation without a database, Statamic can be set up and rolled out quickly.

Benefit 2

Scalable and Multilingual

Start small and grow bigger - Statamic grows with your needs. Additionally, you can manage and publish your websites in as many languages as you want.

Benefit 3


Every change can be backed up, tracked and restored if needed via the built-in Git integration.

Benefit 4


Many features. Many possibilities. From taxonomies to digital asset managers: We create your desired website.

Hint: We are working on stunning new Statamic references right now. Soon here!.

Are you ready to get started? Or do you still have questions? No matter: Write to our expert Vivian!

Are you interested in a website with Statamic? Then just contact us. We are happy to help you.

Vivian Steller | Founder and CEO of Lemonize

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+49 731 / 602 601 00
Vivian Steller.